Live in Care Sevenoaks, Kent
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Live-in care and cancer

Hearing that you have cancer changes your world overnight.  We’re all individuals and everyone reacts in their own way, whether you’re feeling shock, fear, anger or many other emotions.

A cancer diagnosis affects the whole family and if someone you love is facing this situation, it’s an emotional time for you, too.

You may not know where to turn, or how you will manage. The uncertainty is very difficult.

It might help to know that the right support and care makes all the difference.

Cancer care in your home

Perhaps you’re having cancer treatment, and you need help for a while to carry on at home. You may also need support to cope with side effects, attend medical appointments, and find your way through the system of cancer care.

We’ve got you covered. Your compassionate, highly trained live-in carer, supported by our private GPs, will help you through this. Your Vitality live-in care team is there to support your family, too.

And we are all dedicated to helping you stay as healthy and well as possible.

Supporting your health and wellbeing

Your live-in carer (we call them Personal Assistants) understands that good nutrition is vital, but sometimes challenging, when you have cancer. They can prepare appealing, nutritious meals and snacks to build your strength, while creating a calm and pleasant atmosphere around eating and drinking.

Keeping active is also beneficial, and your Personal Assistant will encourage you to pursue your interests, and get up and about as much as you can.

Vitality Live-in Care - care for Cancer

Your Personal Assistant has also been trained to watch out for complications that can affect people with cancer, such as urine and chest infections, skin problems and falls.

You’ll have a care plan that aims to prevent this, and your private GP is on hand 24/7 to help at an early stage if such situations do occur. We also have a team of qualified nurses who can help with your care at home if needed.

Your private GP can also assist with pain relief or medical emergencies, even during the night, at weekends or over holidays. This service gives you and your family extra peace of mind.

It’s all co-ordinated through our smart technology, which allows every member of your team to share information and see what’s happening with your care. You can also access this information and, with your permission, so can your family.

Friendship and respect

Emotional support is just as important. The great thing about live-in care is that we really get to know you.

We respect your privacy, and your Personal Assistant will understand when you need some space. Other times, it’s nice to share a cup of tea and have a chat. On the good days we’ll be there to share a laugh – and on the difficult days we’ll be there if you need a good cry.

Our Personal Assistants are also trained in palliative care, and they know how to support the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of someone approaching the end of life. This expertise may be very important if you have more advanced cancer.

Whatever your situation, out holistic approach is focused on promoting your comfort and dignity, while ensuring your needs, wishes and choices are met – because it’s your life, to live as you choose.

If you would like further information and support on living with a cancer diagnosis, visit Macmillan Cancer Support website.  


We are here to help you stay at home when you have a cancer diagnosis. To find out more about live-in cancer care, please contact our friendly team by sending an email to or by giving us a call on 01732 757959.

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